I joined Aniket's reading program "The Reading Habits"
In its simplest form it is GRP - guided reading program.
I was curious to know, how he runs it & hence joined it.
And over the period of last few months read really sizable number of books with him.
B J Fogg's Tiny Habits, David Allen's Getting Things Done, Scott Adam's How to fail at almost everything and still win big, Steven Covey's 7 Habits of highly effective people, Paulo Coehlo Alchemist, Jake Knapp's Make Time, Kahneman's Thinking Fast and Slow. And soon will be reading "Anxious People" as well as "Old Man and the Sea". The journey is surely enriching. And his book selection never fails. Overall I became a disciplined & better reader.
( I couldn't enjoy only "Getting things done". But that may be my own way of looking at time and productivity management.)
As a part of his reading activity. He chooses a reader, asks him few questions and they respond to it in the group. He calls this "ReadAR Spotlight" (That's not typo !).
I was part of this recently on 9th July 2021.
But the way I wrote answers to those questions, I felt like preserving and sharing them to the others outside that group. Hence this blog post!
Particularly to with my friends and families - who may be knowing me as a reader.
Here is that "written Q-n-A"
This is primarily written on Mobile for WhatsApp, hence pardon for any typo/spelling or punctuations!
Links are added in the blog!
*9th July 2021*
*ReadARs Spotlight - Santosh*
@ReadAR Santosh Sali , we would like to know -
*A. Your life as a Book Reader.*
Where do I start?
I started reading I think, sometime when I was in 2nd std. With comics.
Amar Chitra Katha. Then Marathi books, sometime in Engineering with English books, n then with English non fictions. I think that's the only thing I have done confidently to speak in CV.
*B. Since you are heavily tilted towards Nonfiction, what is it about reading Fiction books that scares you*
Not really, in fact I have always read fictions. Non fiction is much recent entry in life. See reply to previous question. Non-fiction is most recent entry. But being in Organizations Behavior specialization, even most of my area books are widely read n referred for self development. It's much closer to self help. Hence I *deliberately developed taste* for non fiction.
My getting lost in non fiction scares me.
I once took Netflix subscription, n proved to be heavy time killer. I cancelled in trial period itself.
That's what I fear about non fiction. In school too, I use to read it even during exam days

. Till last week, I was following @Readar Aniket Rai plan of kane n Able. Suddenly two days back. I read it intermittently during day. N in evening I started n continued n finished by night 0230. Completed book!!.
I fear this. I often get lost in reading fictions. There are many instances that I read books continuously, without any long break. This scares me

*C. Most memorable Fiction book(s) that you have read till date*
I have certainly much longer list in Marathi. But as most of members are English readers, not sharing it.
But if you ask me just one or two out of this then..
1. Old man n sea.
2. Animal farm
First two are already on top of variety of booklist.
*D. How do you read Fiction Books, where do you read them, what time do you prefer? What do you do after finishing a Fiction Book?*
No rule rules
I start, n if book grows on me, I just go on till I finish it. I don't stop even for food or washroom (

). I just multitask. I remember reading books even in nightshift on job (Good that I quit IT ).
I normally don't do anything after reading book. It just lies in my room somewhere.
But recently I started thinking I shall do something.
One member talked about character arc, or story line. Aniket spoke about character s drawing them in relation to each other.
My daughter too read. She dreams of writing fiction

. N she is trying n keeps me asking questions. That I don't understand. Plot, climax, n storyboard etc. So I seriously think of looking into backside or mechanics of novels n fictions. (Any help/books/course will immensely help

*E. What is the one thing that you would like all of us to do over this weekend as we read "Kane & Abel"?*
As in last answer, I would love to understand mechanics or how fiction writers create this magic. Plot/character arc/storyline/storyboard/climax so many things are there to get under the skin of fiction. Can we start doing it slowly n learn more how to READ fiction ?
*F. Beyond Books & Reading, how will you introduce Santosh to the big bad world out there...*
I touched 50 this year!
Suddenly it dawned on me. Probably I am in last phase of life. Even with

% optimism 50% life is done!!
So I have changed life gears from living life to enjoying life to its full extent.
Now I want to live life on my terms. Not dictated by any external agency. N I have already started taking steps to realize it.
Reading is love of Life. I wonder how do I spread it. How do I make people realize its beauty, it's flow, it's elixir. I keep on thinking. N probably will try to develop something that will help others to really *appreciate* beauty of reading.
*Every hobby has its sports equivalent, there isn't one for reading, my dream is to build that sport equivalent of reading*.
On side note, I have developed my knowledge in Organizational Behavior n HR. So I genuinely try to mentor/coach/help others in career development either in job or in entrepreneurship.
[Anyone need help/assistance, do connect]
And a small portion of mind is obsessed with yoga/Vedanta n spirituality. So trying to get drizzle in it.
N attempt currently is to develop a life style that will help me to do all three of this.

*That's long isn't it? *
When Aniket asked me, I thought I will write over a weekend n post. But then he said do today quickly n then expand later.
So I tried to do this QUICKLY

Hope you guys will enjoy it.
*Thanks a ton*. I wonder how many times, I will say THANKS to you.
Your today's prompt help me in reflecting. N dive deep inside me for last may be 30 min.
I typed this on my android. I HATE it.
Hope it is readable n to some extent enjoyable too.
Friends feel free to give your comments/feedback. Whether it is good,bad,ugly. No problem.
Will take this further on my blog or LinkedIn.
Thanks a ton.
Please feel free to comment on this.. Thanks.
[ Image Source: Wikimedia: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Spotlight_Logo.png ]