Friday, December 28, 2012
Sleepy students and early morning class !
Monday, October 22, 2012
On being a teacher ...
I liked his style and picked up his "Difficulty of being good" for reading.
It is lucid and brilliantly written book. It uses Mahabharat - its characters, and the various dilemma they face in dealing with the ethical questions. Most appealing aspect of the book is the way author brings his learning from the stories to the ethical dilemmas that we face in our day to day life. Most importantly - why be good ?
To make his point across , he narrated the story of primary school teacher , published in "Times of India" in 2005. In his own words ,
.. a man who has bicycled 32 kilometers each day for the past twenty years without missing a single day of school. Because of his commitment, as well his ability to inspire students, a surprising number of his former students went on to become hugely famous. When asked about the roots of his motivation, he answered, 'Teaching is my dharma,'..I could not locate the original story online. But it is riveting. I can sense from my own experience and can see around that the teachers who do their work as "dharma" or "swabhaava" - are touching the life of their students.
Question that is more pertinent is - can this "calling/swabhaava" be nurtured in first place ? if yes , "how can we nurture this". It is more riveting - when the same book points to the 2004 research of Michael Kremer of Harvard university along with world bank members that ,
One in four teachers in our government primary schools is absent and one in four, although present, is not teaching. Thus one in two teachers out of roughly 1.5 million primary school teachers is not doing his/her job.If we repeat this for graduate and post-graduate teachers ,will the results really change to opposite side of spectrum ? Hence nurturing the calling for teachers - will be important question !.
(Image source : )
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam on Importance of re-writing speeches
Speech re-writing is very important condition for successful speech.
Toastmasters Competent communicator manual also emphasizes the drafting of the speech.
Andrew Dlugun ,a famous toast-master also emphasized this point in his multiple blog posts on speech writing.
Inspiring and motivating speaker , A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, who won the hearts of millions of Indians by his visionary speeches had following comments in his recent publication Turning Points. This also underlines the importance of draft versions of one's final speech. (Emphasis added)
... Preparation for the speech normally began well in advance. We would generate a theme, then would seek information from multiple departments and also try and get the international picture on the subject. We would send a questionnaire to experts. Then we would collate the information. The speech would go into numerous drafts. It was not unusual for there to be ten or more drafts. The R-Day speech in 2004 ,for instance, had its theme on smiles on billion faces and went through ten drafts. The focus was on values. On 14th August 2005, the theme was energy independence. The speech went through fifteen drafts. One of the highest number of drafts was, of course, for my speech to the European Parliament on 25 April 2007. This went through thirty-one drafts.No wonder that Kalam's speeches enjoys not only popularity but also coveted place in the heart of Indians. This really makes one to think on the efforts that we are investing in our own speeches.
1) Image : Wikimedia :
2) Quotes : Turning Points, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam , 2012, Harper Collins, page 45,
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Perils of higher Education !
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Unemployment vs. Education level. (Ref-1) |
So true .
The data in the article is converted in the bar-chart for the want of better presentation.
So probably we have one more reason for not going for higher education, and the figures are startling in rural regions. This is unlike the other countries where higher education normally fetches the better opportunities.
This is like a high-light on the recent news article that says - seats for engineering and MBA schools are vacant - as there are more number of students than seats.
Points to really ponder for stakeholders in higher education.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
"7 Habits" : A Management Guru Stephen Covey - passed away.
I hooked to this book ,when I just passed out of engineering college. Since then I kept visiting this book , as well as the workbook and his website often. In my opinion if one is allowed to pick up only one self-help book , one should pick up "7 Habits" . No wonder it is best seller for many years and the author is regarded as a management guru for well known established firms. Though he had other books to his credit, 7 habits is the best of them all.
7 Habits is wonderful book. The habits rests one on another, they are interlinked. The book has whole ecosystem of workbook, website, audiobooks and training courses based on it. So for every taste of learning style , there is serving resource. So get "7 Habits" on your priority list this year for further development.
And ,may his soul rest in peace.
Ref: Image Source :
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Personal Branding : Some useful resources
- StevePavalina 's article on personal branding , he also maintains a interesting blog.
- Bret Simmons – Archive for Personal Branding :
- Dan Schawbel : StudentFocused blog, author also maintains a blog for general advice on Personalbranding.
- Quick advice on Personal branding : Free online PDF to download : Visit .
- Tom Peters : The Brand You [ Amazon Link ]
- Keith Ferrazzi : Never Eat Alone [ Amazon Link ]
- Dan Schawbel : Me 2.0 , Build a Powerful brand to achieve a career Success [ Amazon Link : ]
- William Aruda : Career Distinction : Stand out by Building your brand [ Amazon Link ]
Image Resource:
How to sale yourself ?
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- Collect information about your topic from numerous sources.
- Carefully support your points and opinions with specific facts, examples, and illustrations gathered through research.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Unanticipated Consequence of Productivity tools !
Has anyone noticed that the computer revolution has turned its focus from improving productivity to wasting time on trivia?Isn't it what is termed as unanticipated consequences ? .
For instance :
- Email's were suppose to save our time. It consumes so much time, that Intel had toyed up with no email days . French firm Atos has even extreme stance of "Zero email" .
- Message overloads from desktop notifier, email, smart phones is triggering attention deficit trait.
- Some time back , IIT's had instituted restrictions on internet uses as they found that it hampers the student performance.
Friday, April 6, 2012
How to decide whether the job is great ?

I wanted to enter academics, and that is the reason I applied for research program at XLRI. The interview committee tried to probe, why I want to switch to teaching community from a comparatively high-income career. I think my answers convinced them.
But the question still keeps lingering in my mind. And often, I hit new theories , that convinces me again and again - that yes it is one of the best choice I made for myself.
You have the best job in the world, if you have inner inspiration to do it. And this inner inspiration, a mental state to a specific job is the result of three critical states. First, is the job purposeful, meaningful, second, whether the job gives you sense of ownership, and lastly do you see the effects or results of job.
A model in Organization behavior gives you five hints to look at the job aspects, and conveys whether the job has these three critical states so as to make it intrinsically motivating (ref. 1).
First is variety of skills, abilities that job activities demand. It is rightly said that teaching is one forth preparation and three forth theater. There is so much variety in teaching. Presentation, effective speaking, persuasion, motivating, and coaching, mentoring, thinking about innovative and new ideas to make lively classes the list is endless. No wonder they call teaching as a performing art.
Second is task identity, whether the task is whole identifiable. In majority of cases faculties are fully responsible for course design, choosing textbooks, delivering and even assessing the courses.
Third is task significance, how much impact it is making in the life of others. Teachers are always regarded high in Indian society. If we consider typical MBA curriculum, learning “people skills” are of paramount importance to any manager, whether his specialty is materials or finance. So no wonder Organizational behavior (area of my specialization) is one of the most important subjects for all MBA’s.
Forth is autonomy, the extent to which one can decide routine details like scheduling, process etc. Now within one’s own class, teacher has full autonomy about what sequence of topics to follow, how much time to allocate to individual concepts and use of variety of pedagogical tools to teach them.Thus giving him the sense of ownership of the class.
Fifth and last is feedback on his/her performance. Though there are formal channels available to students to give feedback. Faculty gets this feedback instantly. As soon as he is half-way through the class, he can figure out, where the students are with respective to the topic he is teaching. Whether he is convincing or confusing?
So next time you are thinking of any job , check where it stands with respective to these five parameters.
- Image source :
- 1 : Theory refereed here is : Hackman and Oldham's Job characteristic Model.